Nescafe Azera MyWay Latte – Coffee Review
Nescafe came out with a new instant latte and they were kind enough to send me some samples to review. I tried it both with whole milk and oat milk and here is my review.

This has a rich coffee taste, while still being light and frothy. The type of milk you use really changes the way the coffee comes together, overall it mixes pretty easily with all kinds of milk but, I’d say plant milk is a little smoother. The sprinkle of chocolate and cinnamon 10x these lattes, it’s like having a barista in your kitchen.

There is only a little vanilla flavour coming through, another thing that will 10x your latte is using a small whisk to froth up the milk mixture before you add in the hot water to make it even more luxurious.

Easy and Simple
All you need is some milk and hot water, and you’re on your way to a frothy and rich latte all from the comfort of your own home.
- Put 3 heaped teaspoons of MyWay Latte into your favourite mug
- Add in your milk of choice (I liked using 60ml)
- Stir well and make sure it’s nice and smooth
- Pour over your boiled water to fill and enjoy

Oat milk vs. Whole Milk
I normally like whole cows milk in my lattes and cappuccinos etc., but I was pleasantly surprised because I actually enjoyed the oat milk latte more. It was creamier, frothier, smoother and had a more well-rounded coffee flavour, I think this may have converted me to drink oat milk in all my coffee.
Though I will say in the whole milk the coffee tasted stronger than the oat. I used the MOMA barista-style oat milk that was also sent to me.

Overall this is an affordable, easy and quick way to have a light and luxurious latte at home, especially in times like these, it is nice to have a coffee shop style coffee at home.

Finally, Thank you to Nescafe Azera for gifting me this lovely package for review, it’s very much appreciated.
#gifted #mywaylatte